1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Nicodemus the Haggiorite said that there are seven classifications of sin:
Near the Pardonable
Near the Non-Mortal
Between the Mortal and the Non-Mortal
Near the Mortal
Each sin should be conditional according to
1. Who is the doer of the sin
2. What sin was committed
3. Why was the sin committed
4. In what manner was the sin committed
5. At what time/age was the sin committed
6. Where was the sin committed
7. How many times was the sin committed
Well, that sure is clear. Right?
Here’s some more lists to help.
A Pardonable Sin is the same thing as a Deadly Sin. It’s a “sin of excess” which causes the sinner to sin even more and weakens the tie between the sinner and God.
Sloth (more precisely – failure to utilize talents and gifts)
That leaves the Mortal Sins. They ‘threaten eternal damnation’ because, rather than just weakening the tie between the sinner and God, it severs the tie.
Breaking any of the Ten Commandments can be considered a Mortal Sin.
I like how Proverbs describes the things that God hates by body parts:
Proud look (eyes)
Lying tongue (mouth)
Hands that shed innocent blood (hands)
Heart that devises wicked plots (heart or mind)
Feet that are swift to run into mischief (feet)
A deceitful witness that utters lies (combination of eyes and mouth)
Him that soweth discord among brothers (hands)
No where does it say that any sin is unforgivable. NO WHERE.
Confess your sins.
Repent of them.
Ask God to forgive you for these sins.
It’s that simple.
When the world says, "Killing is unforgivable,"
God says, "He who confesses his sins is forgiven."
God says, "He who confesses his sins is forgiven."
I look in the mirror, Lord, and I can't stand what I see! I am so sorry! I know it had to be done for my country, for my fellow soldiers. But sometimes I just hate myself. Help me.. I know there may be repercussions for what I did; let me face those as bravely as I faced battle. Forgive me. Wash me clean. Take this guilt away from me. Make me whole again.
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